Concept Learning

Concept of Learning

The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum which is designed to match the educational needs of the children within the parameters of the CBSE examination frame work. Hindu Senior Secondary School offers a ‘holistic, quality education’ in this part of the country. Our objective is to enrich students’ knowledge to enable them to take their Board exams with confidence and effectiveness. A carefully planned academic syllabus ensures that a child enjoys the years spent in learning and discovery, and acquires a sound understanding of concepts in Mathematics Science & Humanities and develops high communication skills. The syllabus is enriched by teacher designed worksheets and subject integrated projects. Emphasis is placed on learning through curriculum related trips, talks by invited speakers and through films.

Pre-Primary Education

In the pre-primary years we follow a non-formal approach to learning. Children are encouraged to explore the environment around them and feel their presence in it, through projects which integrate art, craft, music and dance. Activities are designed to develop their finer motor skills and promote their sensorial development. Due emphasis is also laid on developing the communication skills.

The Junior School Grade-I to V

The Junior School dwells on the spirit of exploration and enquiry. Emphasis is laid on acquiring sound language skills, clarity of mathematical concepts and the discovery and understanding of scientific principles. Through extensive project work, they are given awareness of the richness of the diverse history and culture of India. The children also acquire all the building blocks of scholarship, along with good study habits and a love for learning. There are no formal examinations for the children of pre-primary & junior school. Teacher’s evaluation and assessments are continuous and ongoing and form the basis of a child’s performance in a class. Light home work is given every day to reinforce the concepts taught in class.

The Senior School-Classes VI to XII

The Senior School aims at consolidating and building the students’ academic and social growth. The emphasis is on investigation and conceptualization as they begin the first phase of preparation for the CBSE examinations.


Homework is set every day during term time and is considered to be an integral part of the learning process in encouraging independent study. The time students are expected to devote to their homework increases from six hours a week in Class VI to 14 hours per week in Class X. Students preparing for Board exams will be expected to spend considerably longer time in later years.


Regular assessment of students’ work is considered crucial to the educational process. Performance is discussed both with the parents and the students. Students’ performance in all subjects is reviewed each term whilst assessments under examination conditions take place four times every year.